Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bug metrics

Metrics are tricky. Plenty of ink has been spilled on that topic, so I'll leave it for now.

Around bugs, I know of 4 interesting metrics:
  • A: Count of active bugs
  • B: Time to fix
  • C: Fix rate
  • D: Injection rate
When I want to sound like I understand queuing theory, I call them Peak / Latency / Throughput / Load.

(I'm ignoring the disconnect between what we can measure and what is true. For example, bugs in the system that are impacting customers but are not currently tracked by the team. See http://jbazuzicode.blogspot.com/2014/11/measuring-bug-latency.html)

Customers only care about A and B.

Companies that I have worked at often give a lot of attention to A. For example, I've seen "Bug Hell", where any dev (or any team) with more than a certain number of active bugs must stop working on features until the bug count is lowered. 

In the orgs I'm familiar with, we tend to go immediately from A to C, with bad consequences. Focusing on C means devs will tend to choose narrower fixes; they'll allow tech. debt to accumulate; they'll forego testing; they'll fix cheap bugs before important bugs; they'll work when tired; they'll multitask. The inevitable bug bounce will be higher. This is all bad for customers; it's bad for business..

Getting B (latency) down is great, but it's not always directly actionable. You can prioritize bug fixes before feature work. You can strictly assign bugs back to the devs that created them, throttling the most prolific bug creators.

I see D (injection rate) as being a valuable thing to focus on (although it's difficult to measure). As you write fewer bugs, A and B will get better, which is good for customers. And C will become irrelevant.

Because A->C is such a deeply ingrained habit in our corporate culture, if you don't want that to happen, you have to actively exert effort to take things in a different direction. Every time someone says "we have N bugs", make sure they also say "remember to treat each bug as a learning experience - what can we do to make sure this kind of bug doesn't happen again?" and never say "we fixed M bugs this week."

(Thanks to Bill Hanlon for putting a lot of these ideas out there.)

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